Sunday, April 25, 2010

That's the IDEA

Everyone has a dream and a goal in life, however because of disappointment, challenges and frustration along our journey, we simple give up and buried those dreams.

Last few weeks, I attended an Internet Marketing Seminar by Jomar Hilaro, cost me P2777. Now, when you say “internet marketing”-that means extra money, you thought the seminar will be about hands on, teaching you about online internet marketing. Sadly, it covers about realizing “what you love”, “what you fear”, “what you hate to do”, etc. So it was not what I expected, and worst, the frustration of not still logging into “google adsense” (that is the reason I went there in the first place, hoping somehow he will guide me through it). I don’t know if you heard about google adsense, but for those who have not heard and have no idea what google adsense. Do you know you can earn $200 to even more for joining google adsense. I heard from a friend his boss earned $2k per month just for google adsens.. Its where you have a blog and attach your google adsense link to your blog and each time a person who visit your blog click your website or your link, you where you earn in your google adsense meaning you have a heavy traffic in your website – you can surf and google more through youtube or search on google what google adsense is. (For those who have already earn, kindly share how you get approve from google adsense, I tried 3 times already and still no luck of getting approved, don’t know why it wont get thru)
Well, I was really disappointed after the seminar, I mean what is the purpose of attending to a seminar if you are not earning at all?
Then later on, I realize why Jomar focus so much in the emotional and mental side. You see, most of the people attended in that seminar expect to earn money or have an extra income of becoming an internet marketing (it is a BIG market) when attended his seminar (that’s the idea), however it’s a short vision.
Attitude, psychological wallet and overcoming your fear of being successful and failure took more challenging of CHANGING your beliefs, your principles, your attitudes about money, about your life (in here, you will know whats really important in your life than just earning money), and this takes a LOT of TIME and a LOT of CHALLENGES and most people just skip the process and that’s why people don’t want to waste time dreaming and writing their goals coz their PESSIMISTIC GET THEM FIRST and they simple QUIT!
Sadly, a lot of people don’t care, a lot of people only see what is NOW, but not thinking what they can gain in the future (if they only know, its more than money can buy, ITS PRICELESS), it needs a lot of discipline instead of gratifying your desire right away.
Attitudes, beliefs, principles can never be bought by money. You can ask any rich person, they will tell you one thing, FOCUS AND WORKING HARD ON YOURSELF on being the BEST you can be rather than focus on working on other peoples company and on earning money. Success will come knocking at your door. Just FOCUS on YOU.
A lot of us wants a quick rich scheme where we CAN earn money RIGHT AWAY and that’s it, but have you ever question and ask more deeply why you are doing it in the 1st place (I mean aside from earning money to pay your bills, your debt and aside from wanting to be SUPER rich, etc.)
Well, some may not care and say “heck, who cares, I just want to earn money to buy a big house, a lot of cars, etc”, or some just want to get out of debt (by the way, until you learn why you are on debt and I tell you most people who are in debt are people whose attitude and managing their money ARE in the wrong way and that’s why it is very important to have financial education where you can read or watch youtube about Robert Kiyosaki, Les Brown, Jim Rohn and many others great brilliant motivator to change the way you live, the way you think and that is for FREE). It just need your time and open mind to learn and change.
So it is really up to YOU if you want to change your life. Coz I sure did want to change and I have started making sure that instead of spending my time watching tv, dvd or other stuff that are NOT PRODUCTIVE (and the result in your future will be the same as you are now..NO IMPROVEMENT). It is very important to make use of your time USEFUL,CORRECTLY AND PROPERLY (which we called TIME MANAGEMENT) then you will have a BRIGHTER FUTURE. So I make sure everyday, I visit youtube and click Les Brown motivated and inspiring words or the Mastery TV where every 10-15mins with different motivator in 30days, in order I will change the way of thinking and be a better person. So until next time, I will be posting more on how to achieve your dreams, motivated to change YOUR LIFE!

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